Find Your Community
Learn how you can get involved in the life of the Maricopa Springs Family Church community
Bring the whole family
We love families and children at Maricopa Springs, investing heavily in kids and their parents. Our Children’s Ministry (The Cove) is vibrant and robust, teaching the Bible, supporting parents, and prioritizing a safe space for kids. The Cove offers children’s church for nursery through 6th grade during our services on Sunday. We have a full time Children’s Ministry Director, and all of our volunteers go through a rigorous background check and interview process. We also offer a mid-week youth ministry for Jr. High and Sr. High students.

Build community by joining a small group
For Our Men

For Our Women
Women are a gift of God’s grace to the church, offering care and tenderness to the body of Christ. Our Women’s Ministry seeks to support women, wives, and mothers through scripture, prayer, and mutual support as they love and serve their families.
For your teens
We love families and youth at Maricopa Springs, investing heavily in teenagers and parents.
Our Youth Ministry (Crux) is vibrant and robust, teaching the Bible, supporting parents, and prioritizing a safe space for our youth. Crux offers youth ministry church for 6th grade through 12th grade on Tuesday evenings at 6:30 PM.

Find a place where you can serve the church and our community.
Serve on a Sunday morning